April 9, 2011

three cheers for eighteen years!

i crawl into my bed this morning to recover from a night that i'm trying so hard not to forget.
as i spent the drive home reflecting on the various laughs we shared, i can't help but to think that, not only would last night not have happened, but so many other memories would be non-existant without the two who inspired last night's madness.
katie and kylie martinez, happy mother freaking birthday- two days later!
i lay here on my pillow and i wonder to myself about the many highlights of the night:
-winning at the water pong table
-spilling rootbeer on my car
-hailee's poop shoes
-watching kyler eat a jalapeno and then chug a gallon of milk
-trying to eavesdrop on a couple's argument
-"lmao" at how hilarious the seed of chuckie is
-eating the most delicious icecream sandwich in the world
are those even in order? how mixed up am i right now?
all i know is that this morning i woke up with slept in jeans, an eleven percent phone battery, a video of kristi brown doing god knows what, and a handful of memories.
so, cheers to the martinez twins for making it eighteen years
and cheers to doing some of my favorite things with some of my favorite people:
eating, celebrating, and laughing.

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