April 25, 2011

staying afloat

this was another writing i found written in the notebook. it's more inspiring now than i remember it.

life crashes upon us sometimes. sometimes we become stranded in a sea of troubles. we find ourselves up to our necks in the heaviest of problems. we feel the need to give up; to stop swimming through this sea. we don't want to, but our body grows weary of our timeless effort to move forward, and our mind begins drifting away from consciousness. but we won't stop. stopping means drowning. so, we're stuck treading water. here we are, trying to regain strength and stay afloat, while the most powerful forces push against us. we could do what's easiest; we could ride the waves, go with the flow, let them carry us wherever they want us to go. but that would mean moving away from the path we set out for ourselves. we move against the waves, knowing that conquering them will bring us a new strength and accomplishment. sometimes a wave looks perfect, it draws us in with the idea of getting that little extra push, but we still must choose not to ride this wave and let it flow past. whether the wave is perfect or not, we should remember that it will still take us in the wrong direction. we must take on these waves, one at a time, picking our battles, for some waves are smaller than others. those are the first challenges we want as we build ourselves to our true potential. slowly we move in our true direction with each defeat of each wave. it takes every part of us, pushing us to our limits and forcing us to rebuild ourselves. so while we work on these waves, and work to not get washed away, we're stuck here, treading water.

at the bottom of the page this little whatever-you-wanna-call-it is written on, there's a tag line that reads:
"based on a conversation with mackenzie fancher, 051010"
so thank you once again, kenz, for the positive seed you always plant in my mind.

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