April 19, 2011


tonight was the night: senior night.
playing the number two ranked team in the state sorta put a damper on things. who the heck scheduled us to play walla walla? since when did it change from playing a roll-over team like davis?
not much to say about that one.
even though walla walla brutally maimed us at the plate, and with the long ball, this team is still in the running. i'm not giving up on this team. we have every opportunity to beat walla walla or richland. and we will, once the hunger develops. i'm hungry for a run at a championship, and from this point (well once i figure it out) i'm gonna be a championship caliber player. so don't mess with it.
but in real life, i love this team. it's young, and it's hard, but i wouldn't trade these girls for anyone. i love my seniors, and i love my underclassmen. my seniors are some of my best friends, and playing with anyone else is gonna kill me. i love these freshmen this year; you wouldn't believe how much they've grown on my. they are so talented and fun and aggressive. they have just worked their way right into this team, and my heart. my god, i'm gonna miss the fab/fave/feathered five.

but, something a little more unexpected than a annihilation tonight.
when the massacre was over, and we walked through the line to shake hands with the over team, them lying to us saying "good game" and us replying in an unintelligible mumble, i shared a moment with hope klicker.
our eyes met as our hands did, and this contact was weighted. in her eyes i read sympathy for our devistating loss our last time on our home field. i read understanding that comes along with playing first base, batting in the four spot, and being a team leader. i read triumph in the fact that she beat me today at the plate, rather than our normal battles everytime we meet. and i read desire, a desire i wish that my girls had.
this encounter lasted half a second. i definitely feel like it was very important.
because in my eyes, she read:
"i'm coming for you, hope klicker. this isn't gonna happen again. you haven't won."

this won't be the last you hear about lady chief softball this year. we're on the rise. we're coming. we're ready to bounce. so bring it on eisenhower. bring it on chiawana. because as of tomorrow, you're going to messing with a new team.
we'll see you again soon richland and walla walla.
and i can't wait.

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