September 28, 2011

my stoic face beaten with passion

there's just something about this game.
something about the way the dirt crunches and the grass blows.
something about the way the ball sounds coming off the bat.
something about the way your wrist feels when the ball snaps.
something about the way signs are like a secret language.
something about the way everyone is on the same page.
something about the way hearing your teammates lifts your spirits.
something about the way each person fills a niche in your soul.
something about the way each pitch is a battle.
something about the way sore muscles are the reward for hard work.
something about the way 60 feet means more than any other distance.
something about the way half an inch can make or break everything.
something about the way winning is inspiring.
something about the way losing is double that of winning.
something about the way the field is home.
there's just something about this game.

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