October 16, 2011

Game changer.

It's funny how quickly your mind can change about something, how oblivious you can be, how you can't see that the one solid thing in your world is crumbling to pieces.
And when you realize it, you just have to sit back and wonder how long it's been happening. It starts to spread through you like wildfire, the wonderment of the whole thing. How days, weeks, months, years of work and dedication and addiction are just breaking without your knowledge.
It's hard to admit that the fault is completely your own, but it's even harder to admit that your response is not what you would think it would be. You realize your naivety when you start to cling to the rain of the hurricane that's destroying everything.
You sit back floored, asking how you could have let this slip through your fingers without feeling it. The thoughts make your stomach turn. The blame game doesn't work when your gut screams your name.
One person or one object can change your life, and then flip it upside down in a matter of minutes.
Now you're stuck in an ugly, devastating mess.

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