August 25, 2011

Tminus 28 days

28 days. twenty eight days. four weeks. 29 sleeps. TWENTY EIGHT DAYS.
however you wanna say it does not matter to me.
because in 28 DAYS, i will be back on a softball field.

in 672 hours, i will be putting on my cleats, breaking out my mit, and stepping back on the dirt for the first time since may 14th.
i have never been more excited/terrified in my life.

september 22nd will be a fresh start.
a new team- except kaitlyn, a new coach, a new uniform,
but most all,
a new competition.

i cannot begin to express how ECSTATIC i am that i will never have to play another girl in a disgusting, ugly, nauseating green and yellow richland uniform.
nor can i tell you how happy i am to never have to listen to another pain in the ass wenatchee parent piss and moan about whatever they can.
i am so over the big nine.

but this year brings about another form of competition.
i will, once again, have to battle for a starting position.
that is what scares me the most.
but i'll be damned if someone beats this first teamer!
yeah, i just tooted my own horn. let it be.

i know this season is about to be one of the most memorable things of my life,
but it makes me sad.
i will never put on a maroon and gold uniform again.
i'll miss my girls so much.

but when you eat, sleep, and breathe softball, it doesn't really matter who's on the field with you.
all that matters is getting the out, coming up clutch, and scoring more runs than the team in the opposite dugout.
because when you build your life around this sport,
your world becomes a yellow, leather ball.

mlhs varsity 2011, you are my pride and joy.
and i will never forget this.

katie, peewee, tressa, and hailee. you will always be my girls.
and this will always be my favorite five.


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