August 7, 2011

rollin' on the river

you flinch as the freezing water numbs your toes. they tell you "don't jump in your tub hard or your ass will literally freeze." you accidentally jump in too hard anyways... The saying "freeze your balls off" is an understatement.
laughter as you spin around to see tyson go face first off the tube in his first attempt to get on. only tyson... using the frisbees they call "paddles" and trying to figure out what the hell "back paddling" is, you make your way over to your nearest relative.
the perfect start to what turns out to be a four hour float down the icicle/wenatchee river.
what an amazing day. there is nothing better than getting fried with your ginger family on a river. and even river tubing isn't better than just being with family in general.

i love everything about my family. i have the most amazing aunts in the world, and i can't even start on the men they decided to marry. my cousins are like my siblings. and i wouldn't want it any other way.

i love: tube circles, frozen toes, sunburns, diet pepsi, accident drenched cigarettes, cooler tubes, rapids, sand bars, "water proof" vans, bald eagles, frisbee, picnic lunches, word of the day, mcdonald's breakfast, broken cameras, the fun trio, sligshot engage, log avoidance maneuvers, "raise your ass!", vulture sightings, panning for gold, birthday cake remix icecream, tyson the hero, weird amish girls, vic/tasha/ashley jokes, backseat naps, 36 triple z boobs, aloe vera baths, sexy tube guys, family time.

happy girl <3

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