August 22, 2011

"the best way to find out if you can trust someone, is to trust them."

trust is a funny thing, don't you think?
some people don't trust a soul, and some are so trusting they get walked all over.
i wouldn't say that i trust too many people, and i wouldn't say that i trust too few people.
i know who and what i trust, and i know why.

but sometimes trust can surprise the crap outta you.
you think you have everything figured out, ex: telling secrets, sharing your heart, or giving loans.
and then you get a desperate text late at night.
it's not a normal text, it catches you off guard.
because it's from someone you don't talk to regularly, or hardly at all.
they ask you for money, just a small loan.
normally this would be an automatic no, but for some reason you actually think about it.
let's add a twist:
this kid has a history of heavy drug and alcohol use.
and now you're thinking 'HELL NO.'
but there's just something in you that believes him when he says he needs gas and things for his house.
so you say "what the hell" and do it.

i'm not exactly sure why i changed my mind,
maybe it's because i know his past,
and i know how he's changed,
and i know he's desperate.
or maybe it's because he makes someone i care about happy.
but either way,
i trust him like i'd trust my best friend or my dad.
and i feel good about it.

judge it if you feel you can,
but i feel good about how this week is gonna go.


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