August 25, 2011

Tminus 28 days

28 days. twenty eight days. four weeks. 29 sleeps. TWENTY EIGHT DAYS.
however you wanna say it does not matter to me.
because in 28 DAYS, i will be back on a softball field.

in 672 hours, i will be putting on my cleats, breaking out my mit, and stepping back on the dirt for the first time since may 14th.
i have never been more excited/terrified in my life.

september 22nd will be a fresh start.
a new team- except kaitlyn, a new coach, a new uniform,
but most all,
a new competition.

i cannot begin to express how ECSTATIC i am that i will never have to play another girl in a disgusting, ugly, nauseating green and yellow richland uniform.
nor can i tell you how happy i am to never have to listen to another pain in the ass wenatchee parent piss and moan about whatever they can.
i am so over the big nine.

but this year brings about another form of competition.
i will, once again, have to battle for a starting position.
that is what scares me the most.
but i'll be damned if someone beats this first teamer!
yeah, i just tooted my own horn. let it be.

i know this season is about to be one of the most memorable things of my life,
but it makes me sad.
i will never put on a maroon and gold uniform again.
i'll miss my girls so much.

but when you eat, sleep, and breathe softball, it doesn't really matter who's on the field with you.
all that matters is getting the out, coming up clutch, and scoring more runs than the team in the opposite dugout.
because when you build your life around this sport,
your world becomes a yellow, leather ball.

mlhs varsity 2011, you are my pride and joy.
and i will never forget this.

katie, peewee, tressa, and hailee. you will always be my girls.
and this will always be my favorite five.


August 22, 2011

"the best way to find out if you can trust someone, is to trust them."

trust is a funny thing, don't you think?
some people don't trust a soul, and some are so trusting they get walked all over.
i wouldn't say that i trust too many people, and i wouldn't say that i trust too few people.
i know who and what i trust, and i know why.

but sometimes trust can surprise the crap outta you.
you think you have everything figured out, ex: telling secrets, sharing your heart, or giving loans.
and then you get a desperate text late at night.
it's not a normal text, it catches you off guard.
because it's from someone you don't talk to regularly, or hardly at all.
they ask you for money, just a small loan.
normally this would be an automatic no, but for some reason you actually think about it.
let's add a twist:
this kid has a history of heavy drug and alcohol use.
and now you're thinking 'HELL NO.'
but there's just something in you that believes him when he says he needs gas and things for his house.
so you say "what the hell" and do it.

i'm not exactly sure why i changed my mind,
maybe it's because i know his past,
and i know how he's changed,
and i know he's desperate.
or maybe it's because he makes someone i care about happy.
but either way,
i trust him like i'd trust my best friend or my dad.
and i feel good about it.

judge it if you feel you can,
but i feel good about how this week is gonna go.


August 10, 2011

August 7, 2011

rollin' on the river

you flinch as the freezing water numbs your toes. they tell you "don't jump in your tub hard or your ass will literally freeze." you accidentally jump in too hard anyways... The saying "freeze your balls off" is an understatement.
laughter as you spin around to see tyson go face first off the tube in his first attempt to get on. only tyson... using the frisbees they call "paddles" and trying to figure out what the hell "back paddling" is, you make your way over to your nearest relative.
the perfect start to what turns out to be a four hour float down the icicle/wenatchee river.
what an amazing day. there is nothing better than getting fried with your ginger family on a river. and even river tubing isn't better than just being with family in general.

i love everything about my family. i have the most amazing aunts in the world, and i can't even start on the men they decided to marry. my cousins are like my siblings. and i wouldn't want it any other way.

i love: tube circles, frozen toes, sunburns, diet pepsi, accident drenched cigarettes, cooler tubes, rapids, sand bars, "water proof" vans, bald eagles, frisbee, picnic lunches, word of the day, mcdonald's breakfast, broken cameras, the fun trio, sligshot engage, log avoidance maneuvers, "raise your ass!", vulture sightings, panning for gold, birthday cake remix icecream, tyson the hero, weird amish girls, vic/tasha/ashley jokes, backseat naps, 36 triple z boobs, aloe vera baths, sexy tube guys, family time.

happy girl <3

August 1, 2011

the worst team in the mlb

i got mad love for this major league baseball team. can you guess who they are? they were on a 17 game losing streak, their ace pitcher has more swag than anyone, "get out the rye bread and the mustard, grandma, it's grand salami time!", rally fries. yes, the worst team in baseball.
the seattle mariners

growing up, there wasn't a voice i knew better than dave niehaus's. okay, maybe my mom and dad's. but there wasn't a day where i didn't hear "my, oh my" or "edgaaaar maaaartineeez!" or news about boone, griffey, ichiro, the young arod, buhner.
i am proud to say that i watched the m's play in the kingdom, a privelage that many young fans can't say.

i love the old mariners, and the days when they would win, but i still loves this team.
and more than that, i love how gorgeous this team is. that must be why they don't win. they must go for looks over talent. check em out:

franklin guiterrez- center field

dustin ackley- second base

justin smoak- first base

casper wells- left field

felix hernandez- right handed pitcher

brandon league- right handed closer
brendan ryan- short stop