July 31, 2011

happiness. period.

so. i just got home from the tri cities. might i say:
this weekend has been excellent!

last night i was lucky enough to witness two people truly in love exchange vows to each other.
i'm so very happy for you guys, and i'm so glad you guys found each other.

i love weddings. they're so joyous and extravagent in the simplest of ways!
but what i loved must about this wedding though..
..being around my family! i so love getting toether with everyone. it's perfect.

having a large family is the best, and it's even better when you fit 19 of us in one house.
it makes for good wedding and afterparty memories!
doesn't matter if it was something as memorable as my uncle kissing his new bride or as simple as snuggling with my little cousin kellie, watching my brother leap frog over our 6'3'' aunt or embarrassing the groom with a blast from the past.
point is, i loved everything about this weekend, and i'm sad that it had to end. stupid work..

i can't wait for the next time my family is together, rafting the wenatchee. awe yeah.
7 days, and couting!

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