July 24, 2011

america's favorite past time

favorite thing about summer?

this summer wasn't like last years.. not having the pirates has put a damper on it, but getting to watch my brother's team makes up for it. almost.

today i got to watch his last home game of the season, and lucky for me, i got to spend some good time with bailley lublin and carley griffith. they're normally at the games, and our presence was graced by kaitlyn stevens and allie knutson.

yeah, i'm that graduated senior that hangs out with incoming sophomores. it's whatever. let it be.

no for real though, it was a good time, whether it was fighting for shade or carley's tan lines, fishtailing kaitlyn's hair or allie's weird fart noise. be it carley eating all of bailley's jojos or taking the "long way" back to listen to a song or the boys going to state. whatever moment  you choose, it all added up to a great afternoon and a great day at the field.

so, the gist of it is:
thank you girls, for making it a lovely, warm day. i enjoyed every second in the 90 degree heat. you girls are wonderful, and i'll miss this. i'll miss this a lot.

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