May 18, 2011


remember being five years old?
it was your first year of "big kid" school. no more naps, no more baby toys, no more baby snacks. this was the real deal. remember?
remember what it took to fly? all you had to do was jump on a swing and pump your legs in the right timing, and then, when you reached the peak, you would let go of the chains and take that leap.
and you would soar. remember?
for the next two seconds, if you were lucky, you soared through the air with all your friends watching and cheering when you beat the jump record of the kid next to you. if you landed on your feet, remember how awesome you were? 
on those times you would land on your hands and knees, you would just pick out the pieces of bark and race back to your swing to go again. the only thing you had to worry about was someone taking your swing.
remember when recess was over, and you'd race to be the first one back in line to go back to class? and you would sit in the hard chairs, itching in your big kid clothes, and stare longingly out the window. remember how hard it was to focus on your numbers and letters when there was a swing right outside calling your name?
and then when school was over, and you waited in line for your bus, and you would try to go swing but the EAs would tell you "it's not allowed." so you would drag your feet back to the line and put on your best pout face and wait impatiently for the bus to get there. remember?
 remember how tomorrow would come. and you'd be back on those swings, taking that leap without even worrying about what was going to happen when you hit the ground. remember?

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