November 9, 2011


Being in college is such a stressful experience. When you're in high school, they say that you don't have to have your life figured out. They're right. And if you have some sort of idea, you can almost be sure that at some point you're going to change your mind.
Going into Big Bend, I intend on just getting my transfer degree and then moving on with my life. At first I was planning on an English major upon transferring. Then I started thinking about how much psychology fascinates me. And now I just have no goddamn clue.
So, I've decided that I'm gonna become a crop duster. You know, one of those planes that flies over the fields in the early mornings? Yeah, one of those. How simple and pleasant.
Every morning to just go out and breathe the country air. Seeing the sunrise over the hills and fields. But more than anything, to fly.
There is nothing more in the world I want than to fly. To soar across the skies, and feel so free. Can you imagine anything better? Because I sure can't.


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