It's so hard to fit.
My manicured nails and hair straightened,
My eyelashes caked and my skinny jeans.
Styles change like a whirlwind.
Sweeping us up as it goes.
Long dresses, bleached jeans, short skirts, jeggings.
Camisols, jean jackets, long shirts, bomber coats.
Flats, high heels, vans, boots.
Straight hair, long curls, pixie cuts, bleach blonde.
Long necklaces, featherlocks, bangles, piercings.
Where am I?
With my ginger frizz,
My tshirt and worn jeans,
My glasses and handmade bracelets.
Where am I?
Reading the fashion magazines,
Looking at size zero beauties,
Trying new diets.
Where am I?
In a whole different world,
An outcast of the gorgeous,
Chasing at their stilletos.
But why?
I am not small. I am strong.
I am not oblivious. I am sensible.
I am not photoshop. I am natural.
I am girl.
I am average.
I am reality.
November 30, 2011
November 9, 2011
Being in college is such a stressful experience. When you're in high school, they say that you don't have to have your life figured out. They're right. And if you have some sort of idea, you can almost be sure that at some point you're going to change your mind.
Going into Big Bend, I intend on just getting my transfer degree and then moving on with my life. At first I was planning on an English major upon transferring. Then I started thinking about how much psychology fascinates me. And now I just have no goddamn clue.
So, I've decided that I'm gonna become a crop duster. You know, one of those planes that flies over the fields in the early mornings? Yeah, one of those. How simple and pleasant.
Every morning to just go out and breathe the country air. Seeing the sunrise over the hills and fields. But more than anything, to fly.
There is nothing more in the world I want than to fly. To soar across the skies, and feel so free. Can you imagine anything better? Because I sure can't.
Going into Big Bend, I intend on just getting my transfer degree and then moving on with my life. At first I was planning on an English major upon transferring. Then I started thinking about how much psychology fascinates me. And now I just have no goddamn clue.

Every morning to just go out and breathe the country air. Seeing the sunrise over the hills and fields. But more than anything, to fly.
There is nothing more in the world I want than to fly. To soar across the skies, and feel so free. Can you imagine anything better? Because I sure can't.
November 2, 2011
figuring it out.
Okay. So. I've been listening to, and learning from, a lot of arguments lately. And they've just hit me to the point where I just wanna talk about something really quick.
Everyone is gonna fuck up. Everyone is. Guaranteed. It happens. It's part of life. We should all understand that. And if you don't, then you must think that you're God's gift to Earth or something. To He-Who-Cannot-Be-Wrong, get the hell over yourself. Admit your mistakes! That's called growth. "Mistakes are proof that you are trying." Seriously. They are.
Mistakes, accidents, goofs, whatever you wanna call them, they come in different forms, with different severity, and different consequences. Along the line, you're gonna hurt someone. It probably won't be intentionally, but it will happen. Try as hard as you want to spare someone's feelings, you will destroy them when you don't tell them what they need to hear, no matter how hurtful it is. So be bold, and man up. Tell it how it is. Because that is also growth. Learning to speak when words need be spoken.
I understand that no one wants to hurt others, unless you're some kind of malicious asshole. And I understand that it's hard. You don't want to risk that person's feelings, or risk them getting angry. But sometimes you have to take the risk, grow some balls, and realize that it's better to endanger your friendship and allow someone to know the truth, than to sit in the corner and watch their life unravel, because what kind of friend are you then? That's truly caring about someone more than yourself.
And realize that if the bond between you and that person is strong, they will give you a second chance! Or maybe that's just me. Because I believe in mistakes, and I believe in growth.
But God forbid that that someone gives you another shot, DON'T BLOW IT. Seriously! Take advantage of it without using it to your advantage. This person obviously loves the shit outta you, so get your act together. Don't think that because they're forgiving you means that they're going to forget the past. Because they won't. And the next time you mess up, it builds on a foundation of your first mistake. If you think that you can just keep doing the same goddamned things over and over again, you need to pull your head out of your ass. Because at that point, you are becoming a malicious asshole who is intentionally hurting this person who loves you unconditionally.
That took about all the energy that I have in me right now. So until next time..
Everyone is gonna fuck up. Everyone is. Guaranteed. It happens. It's part of life. We should all understand that. And if you don't, then you must think that you're God's gift to Earth or something. To He-Who-Cannot-Be-Wrong, get the hell over yourself. Admit your mistakes! That's called growth. "Mistakes are proof that you are trying." Seriously. They are.
Mistakes, accidents, goofs, whatever you wanna call them, they come in different forms, with different severity, and different consequences. Along the line, you're gonna hurt someone. It probably won't be intentionally, but it will happen. Try as hard as you want to spare someone's feelings, you will destroy them when you don't tell them what they need to hear, no matter how hurtful it is. So be bold, and man up. Tell it how it is. Because that is also growth. Learning to speak when words need be spoken.
I understand that no one wants to hurt others, unless you're some kind of malicious asshole. And I understand that it's hard. You don't want to risk that person's feelings, or risk them getting angry. But sometimes you have to take the risk, grow some balls, and realize that it's better to endanger your friendship and allow someone to know the truth, than to sit in the corner and watch their life unravel, because what kind of friend are you then? That's truly caring about someone more than yourself.
And realize that if the bond between you and that person is strong, they will give you a second chance! Or maybe that's just me. Because I believe in mistakes, and I believe in growth.
But God forbid that that someone gives you another shot, DON'T BLOW IT. Seriously! Take advantage of it without using it to your advantage. This person obviously loves the shit outta you, so get your act together. Don't think that because they're forgiving you means that they're going to forget the past. Because they won't. And the next time you mess up, it builds on a foundation of your first mistake. If you think that you can just keep doing the same goddamned things over and over again, you need to pull your head out of your ass. Because at that point, you are becoming a malicious asshole who is intentionally hurting this person who loves you unconditionally.
That took about all the energy that I have in me right now. So until next time..
October 17, 2011
It's days like today when I wonder what it would've been like if I would've left for college. I can't help but think about what it would be like in a different town full of people I don't know and places I've never been.
My dad told me:
"Staying in Moses was probably one of the best you could have made. You've had to cut ties with some friends, but not all at once. Things are changing slowly. Which is good because let's be honest, you're terrible with change."
While I lay here on the floor of the bedroom that I've lived in for 15 years, I have to admit he's right. I probably would've went nuts if I left. I would've been homesick, big time. I would've missed my friends so much. But at this point, I really wish I would have gone.
Because even though I'm still home, everything is changing. People are changing, attitudes are changing, life is changing. I'm losing people left and right, and not gaining hardly anyone in the process. Am I isolating myself, or am I just overwhelmingly busy? It's more than likely a little of both. I do have a nonstop schedule of school, practice, and work. But I've also never been good at meeting new people and making friends. So I guess it's a good thing that I'm home and still have people here, because who knows if I would have any friends if in a new town.
From where I stand right now, I think that I would be just fine. I could definitely use some new friends, new experiences, a new life. I love being here and being able to continue playing softball, but I have doubts. And that worries me. Because I was set in stone about spending the next two years in a common place, playing the sport I love, and now I would be just fine with getting a career ending injury and moving on.
That probably isn't true. I would be devastated. But I'm just in that state of mind right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to go looking for that. I'm gonna go into practice each day like there's nothing in the world I'd rather be doing, and giving it my everything. Because I still do love the game. Deep down I always will.
I'm not really sure of what's becoming of myself. I'm beginning to come everything I don't like: impulsive, irrational, explosive. I'm not sure if getting out of Moses would help me find me again. But right now, being stuck here, is starting to make me feel like I'm going crazy.
My dad told me:
"Staying in Moses was probably one of the best you could have made. You've had to cut ties with some friends, but not all at once. Things are changing slowly. Which is good because let's be honest, you're terrible with change."
While I lay here on the floor of the bedroom that I've lived in for 15 years, I have to admit he's right. I probably would've went nuts if I left. I would've been homesick, big time. I would've missed my friends so much. But at this point, I really wish I would have gone.
Because even though I'm still home, everything is changing. People are changing, attitudes are changing, life is changing. I'm losing people left and right, and not gaining hardly anyone in the process. Am I isolating myself, or am I just overwhelmingly busy? It's more than likely a little of both. I do have a nonstop schedule of school, practice, and work. But I've also never been good at meeting new people and making friends. So I guess it's a good thing that I'm home and still have people here, because who knows if I would have any friends if in a new town.
From where I stand right now, I think that I would be just fine. I could definitely use some new friends, new experiences, a new life. I love being here and being able to continue playing softball, but I have doubts. And that worries me. Because I was set in stone about spending the next two years in a common place, playing the sport I love, and now I would be just fine with getting a career ending injury and moving on.
That probably isn't true. I would be devastated. But I'm just in that state of mind right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to go looking for that. I'm gonna go into practice each day like there's nothing in the world I'd rather be doing, and giving it my everything. Because I still do love the game. Deep down I always will.
I'm not really sure of what's becoming of myself. I'm beginning to come everything I don't like: impulsive, irrational, explosive. I'm not sure if getting out of Moses would help me find me again. But right now, being stuck here, is starting to make me feel like I'm going crazy.
October 16, 2011
Game changer.
It's funny how quickly your mind can change about something, how oblivious you can be, how you can't see that the one solid thing in your world is crumbling to pieces.
And when you realize it, you just have to sit back and wonder how long it's been happening. It starts to spread through you like wildfire, the wonderment of the whole thing. How days, weeks, months, years of work and dedication and addiction are just breaking without your knowledge.
It's hard to admit that the fault is completely your own, but it's even harder to admit that your response is not what you would think it would be. You realize your naivety when you start to cling to the rain of the hurricane that's destroying everything.
You sit back floored, asking how you could have let this slip through your fingers without feeling it. The thoughts make your stomach turn. The blame game doesn't work when your gut screams your name.
One person or one object can change your life, and then flip it upside down in a matter of minutes.
Now you're stuck in an ugly, devastating mess.
And when you realize it, you just have to sit back and wonder how long it's been happening. It starts to spread through you like wildfire, the wonderment of the whole thing. How days, weeks, months, years of work and dedication and addiction are just breaking without your knowledge.
It's hard to admit that the fault is completely your own, but it's even harder to admit that your response is not what you would think it would be. You realize your naivety when you start to cling to the rain of the hurricane that's destroying everything.
You sit back floored, asking how you could have let this slip through your fingers without feeling it. The thoughts make your stomach turn. The blame game doesn't work when your gut screams your name.
One person or one object can change your life, and then flip it upside down in a matter of minutes.
Now you're stuck in an ugly, devastating mess.
September 28, 2011
my stoic face beaten with passion
there's just something about this game.
something about the way the dirt crunches and the grass blows.
something about the way the ball sounds coming off the bat.
something about the way your wrist feels when the ball snaps.
something about the way signs are like a secret language.
something about the way everyone is on the same page.
something about the way hearing your teammates lifts your spirits.
something about the way each person fills a niche in your soul.
something about the way each pitch is a battle.
something about the way sore muscles are the reward for hard work.
something about the way 60 feet means more than any other distance.
something about the way half an inch can make or break everything.
something about the way winning is inspiring.
something about the way losing is double that of winning.
something about the way the field is home.
there's just something about this game.
September 11, 2011
Tenth Anniversary

May God bless the 2,977 killed on September 11, 2001, and the 60,000 plus who were lost fighting the War on Terror.
May you rest in peace.
September 8, 2011
Question of the day.
Today someone asked me what it's like being graduated from high school.
My answer to them:
"It's great. I'm still not in school while you guys are."
My honest answer:
IT SUCKS. I hate it. I want to be back in high school so bad, with every ounce of my being. I miss it. I miss it all. Real life is a s.o.b. I hate having to pay for school. I hate working three jobs. I hate that my friends are leaving. I hate that I don't have a set schedule every day. I hate having to pay bills. I hate that I have an irregular sleeping schedule. I hate that there's a thousand times more potential to get in trouble. I hate that I have so many decisions to make. I hate that I made the wrong decision. I hate that I'll never have another basketball family. I hate that I'm not on top anymore. I hate that I have to compete. I hate that I never get to eat cereal anymore. I hate that money makes the world go round. I hate that I never have plans. I hate that I have to pay to watch my friends play sports. I hate that I'm stuck here while everyone is off to bigger and better things. I hate that everything has changed. I hate it.
Everyone wants to get outta high school and get the hell outta town. Just wait. Reality is gonna hit you head on like semi truck on the freeway.
That's my rant. I just don't know how to live outside of high school. I need a road map for life.
My answer to them:
"It's great. I'm still not in school while you guys are."
My honest answer:
IT SUCKS. I hate it. I want to be back in high school so bad, with every ounce of my being. I miss it. I miss it all. Real life is a s.o.b. I hate having to pay for school. I hate working three jobs. I hate that my friends are leaving. I hate that I don't have a set schedule every day. I hate having to pay bills. I hate that I have an irregular sleeping schedule. I hate that there's a thousand times more potential to get in trouble. I hate that I have so many decisions to make. I hate that I made the wrong decision. I hate that I'll never have another basketball family. I hate that I'm not on top anymore. I hate that I have to compete. I hate that I never get to eat cereal anymore. I hate that money makes the world go round. I hate that I never have plans. I hate that I have to pay to watch my friends play sports. I hate that I'm stuck here while everyone is off to bigger and better things. I hate that everything has changed. I hate it.
Everyone wants to get outta high school and get the hell outta town. Just wait. Reality is gonna hit you head on like semi truck on the freeway.
That's my rant. I just don't know how to live outside of high school. I need a road map for life.
September 5, 2011
What's yours is yours, I'm just going to borrow it.
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not too fond of children. I don't babysit, I don't nanny, I don't intend to have any. That's my choice, don't judge me. Don't tell me that I'm being selfish, either. I've heard it enough times.
Today, I went over to Katie's to bring her her Audrey Hepburn painting- it's my pride and joy, check it on Facebook. Anyways, she was babysitting her niece Chloe and her nephew Grayson. When I arrived, Grayson opened the door with a giant smile on his face and gave me the biggest hug. That little guy made my good day perfect. His joy to see me, and have me pick him up and spin him, and whatever else, made my heart soar. Hearing him and Chloe laugh as Katie beat him up made my smile. When I was leaving, hearing him say "don't leave" made my heart ache. Even though, I had had enough of them by the time I left, I was still sad to go.
People think that my distaste for kids means I have no heart and don't want to be around them. That's false. It just means that I like to be around them for awhile, but when I'm done, I am done. I love being around my younger cousins, and I love seeing Sophia. I can't wait for my friends to have kids, and to have nieces and nephews, even though the idea that we can start families at this age scares the crap outta me.
Those memorable moments I spent with Grayson and Chloe almost makes me want kids, almost. But when I think about, I'd much rather have those special times occassionaly. Having them regularly takes away from the amount I'd cherish them. I'd much rather hear "Aunty Tasha is here!" or "don't leave Aunty Tasha" over "Mom's home." or "leave me alone, Mom." When the time comes, I'm going to be the best aunt or god parent or whatever.
I know that I'll love those kids like they're my own. I'm actually pretty excited.
Today, I went over to Katie's to bring her her Audrey Hepburn painting- it's my pride and joy, check it on Facebook. Anyways, she was babysitting her niece Chloe and her nephew Grayson. When I arrived, Grayson opened the door with a giant smile on his face and gave me the biggest hug. That little guy made my good day perfect. His joy to see me, and have me pick him up and spin him, and whatever else, made my heart soar. Hearing him and Chloe laugh as Katie beat him up made my smile. When I was leaving, hearing him say "don't leave" made my heart ache. Even though, I had had enough of them by the time I left, I was still sad to go.
People think that my distaste for kids means I have no heart and don't want to be around them. That's false. It just means that I like to be around them for awhile, but when I'm done, I am done. I love being around my younger cousins, and I love seeing Sophia. I can't wait for my friends to have kids, and to have nieces and nephews, even though the idea that we can start families at this age scares the crap outta me.
Those memorable moments I spent with Grayson and Chloe almost makes me want kids, almost. But when I think about, I'd much rather have those special times occassionaly. Having them regularly takes away from the amount I'd cherish them. I'd much rather hear "Aunty Tasha is here!" or "don't leave Aunty Tasha" over "Mom's home." or "leave me alone, Mom." When the time comes, I'm going to be the best aunt or god parent or whatever.
I know that I'll love those kids like they're my own. I'm actually pretty excited.
August 25, 2011
Tminus 28 days
28 days. twenty eight days. four weeks. 29 sleeps. TWENTY EIGHT DAYS.
however you wanna say it does not matter to me.
because in 28 DAYS, i will be back on a softball field.
in 672 hours, i will be putting on my cleats, breaking out my mit, and stepping back on the dirt for the first time since may 14th.
i have never been more excited/terrified in my life.
september 22nd will be a fresh start.
a new team- except kaitlyn, a new coach, a new uniform,
but most all,
a new competition.
i cannot begin to express how ECSTATIC i am that i will never have to play another girl in a disgusting, ugly, nauseating green and yellow richland uniform.
nor can i tell you how happy i am to never have to listen to another pain in the ass wenatchee parent piss and moan about whatever they can.
i am so over the big nine.
but this year brings about another form of competition.
i will, once again, have to battle for a starting position.
that is what scares me the most.
but i'll be damned if someone beats this first teamer!
yeah, i just tooted my own horn. let it be.
i know this season is about to be one of the most memorable things of my life,
but it makes me sad.
i will never put on a maroon and gold uniform again.
i'll miss my girls so much.
but when you eat, sleep, and breathe softball, it doesn't really matter who's on the field with you.
all that matters is getting the out, coming up clutch, and scoring more runs than the team in the opposite dugout.
because when you build your life around this sport,
your world becomes a yellow, leather ball.
mlhs varsity 2011, you are my pride and joy.
and i will never forget this.
and i will never forget this.
August 22, 2011
"the best way to find out if you can trust someone, is to trust them."
trust is a funny thing, don't you think?
some people don't trust a soul, and some are so trusting they get walked all over.
i wouldn't say that i trust too many people, and i wouldn't say that i trust too few people.
i know who and what i trust, and i know why.
but sometimes trust can surprise the crap outta you.
you think you have everything figured out, ex: telling secrets, sharing your heart, or giving loans.
and then you get a desperate text late at night.
it's not a normal text, it catches you off guard.
because it's from someone you don't talk to regularly, or hardly at all.
they ask you for money, just a small loan.
normally this would be an automatic no, but for some reason you actually think about it.
let's add a twist:
this kid has a history of heavy drug and alcohol use.
and now you're thinking 'HELL NO.'
but there's just something in you that believes him when he says he needs gas and things for his house.
so you say "what the hell" and do it.
i'm not exactly sure why i changed my mind,
maybe it's because i know his past,
and i know how he's changed,
and i know he's desperate.
or maybe it's because he makes someone i care about happy.
but either way,
i trust him like i'd trust my best friend or my dad.
and i feel good about it.
judge it if you feel you can,
but i feel good about how this week is gonna go.
some people don't trust a soul, and some are so trusting they get walked all over.
i wouldn't say that i trust too many people, and i wouldn't say that i trust too few people.
i know who and what i trust, and i know why.
but sometimes trust can surprise the crap outta you.
you think you have everything figured out, ex: telling secrets, sharing your heart, or giving loans.
and then you get a desperate text late at night.
it's not a normal text, it catches you off guard.
because it's from someone you don't talk to regularly, or hardly at all.
they ask you for money, just a small loan.
normally this would be an automatic no, but for some reason you actually think about it.
let's add a twist:
this kid has a history of heavy drug and alcohol use.
and now you're thinking 'HELL NO.'
but there's just something in you that believes him when he says he needs gas and things for his house.
so you say "what the hell" and do it.
i'm not exactly sure why i changed my mind,
maybe it's because i know his past,
and i know how he's changed,
and i know he's desperate.
or maybe it's because he makes someone i care about happy.
but either way,
i trust him like i'd trust my best friend or my dad.
and i feel good about it.
judge it if you feel you can,
but i feel good about how this week is gonna go.
August 7, 2011
rollin' on the river
you flinch as the freezing water numbs your toes. they tell you "don't jump in your tub hard or your ass will literally freeze." you accidentally jump in too hard anyways... The saying "freeze your balls off" is an understatement.
laughter as you spin around to see tyson go face first off the tube in his first attempt to get on. only tyson... using the frisbees they call "paddles" and trying to figure out what the hell "back paddling" is, you make your way over to your nearest relative.
the perfect start to what turns out to be a four hour float down the icicle/wenatchee river.
what an amazing day. there is nothing better than getting fried with your ginger family on a river. and even river tubing isn't better than just being with family in general.
i love everything about my family. i have the most amazing aunts in the world, and i can't even start on the men they decided to marry. my cousins are like my siblings. and i wouldn't want it any other way.
i love: tube circles, frozen toes, sunburns, diet pepsi, accident drenched cigarettes, cooler tubes, rapids, sand bars, "water proof" vans, bald eagles, frisbee, picnic lunches, word of the day, mcdonald's breakfast, broken cameras, the fun trio, sligshot engage, log avoidance maneuvers, "raise your ass!", vulture sightings, panning for gold, birthday cake remix icecream, tyson the hero, weird amish girls, vic/tasha/ashley jokes, backseat naps, 36 triple z boobs, aloe vera baths, sexy tube guys, family time.
happy girl <3
laughter as you spin around to see tyson go face first off the tube in his first attempt to get on. only tyson... using the frisbees they call "paddles" and trying to figure out what the hell "back paddling" is, you make your way over to your nearest relative.
the perfect start to what turns out to be a four hour float down the icicle/wenatchee river.
what an amazing day. there is nothing better than getting fried with your ginger family on a river. and even river tubing isn't better than just being with family in general.
i love everything about my family. i have the most amazing aunts in the world, and i can't even start on the men they decided to marry. my cousins are like my siblings. and i wouldn't want it any other way.
i love: tube circles, frozen toes, sunburns, diet pepsi, accident drenched cigarettes, cooler tubes, rapids, sand bars, "water proof" vans, bald eagles, frisbee, picnic lunches, word of the day, mcdonald's breakfast, broken cameras, the fun trio, sligshot engage, log avoidance maneuvers, "raise your ass!", vulture sightings, panning for gold, birthday cake remix icecream, tyson the hero, weird amish girls, vic/tasha/ashley jokes, backseat naps, 36 triple z boobs, aloe vera baths, sexy tube guys, family time.
happy girl <3
August 1, 2011
the worst team in the mlb
i got mad love for this major league baseball team. can you guess who they are? they were on a 17 game losing streak, their ace pitcher has more swag than anyone, "get out the rye bread and the mustard, grandma, it's grand salami time!", rally fries. yes, the worst team in baseball.
the seattle mariners
growing up, there wasn't a voice i knew better than dave niehaus's. okay, maybe my mom and dad's. but there wasn't a day where i didn't hear "my, oh my" or "edgaaaar maaaartineeez!" or news about boone, griffey, ichiro, the young arod, buhner.
i am proud to say that i watched the m's play in the kingdom, a privelage that many young fans can't say.
i am proud to say that i watched the m's play in the kingdom, a privelage that many young fans can't say.
i love the old mariners, and the days when they would win, but i still loves this team.
and more than that, i love how gorgeous this team is. that must be why they don't win. they must go for looks over talent. check em out:
franklin guiterrez- center field
dustin ackley- second base
justin smoak- first base
casper wells- left field
felix hernandez- right handed pitcher
brandon league- right handed closer
brendan ryan- short stop
July 31, 2011
happiness. period.
so. i just got home from the tri cities. might i say:
this weekend has been excellent!
last night i was lucky enough to witness two people truly in love exchange vows to each other.
i'm so very happy for you guys, and i'm so glad you guys found each other.
i love weddings. they're so joyous and extravagent in the simplest of ways!
but what i loved must about this wedding though..
..being around my family! i so love getting toether with everyone. it's perfect.
having a large family is the best, and it's even better when you fit 19 of us in one house.
it makes for good wedding and afterparty memories!
doesn't matter if it was something as memorable as my uncle kissing his new bride or as simple as snuggling with my little cousin kellie, watching my brother leap frog over our 6'3'' aunt or embarrassing the groom with a blast from the past.
point is, i loved everything about this weekend, and i'm sad that it had to end. stupid work..
i can't wait for the next time my family is together, rafting the wenatchee. awe yeah.
7 days, and couting!
this weekend has been excellent!
last night i was lucky enough to witness two people truly in love exchange vows to each other.
i'm so very happy for you guys, and i'm so glad you guys found each other.
i love weddings. they're so joyous and extravagent in the simplest of ways!
but what i loved must about this wedding though..
..being around my family! i so love getting toether with everyone. it's perfect.
having a large family is the best, and it's even better when you fit 19 of us in one house.
it makes for good wedding and afterparty memories!
doesn't matter if it was something as memorable as my uncle kissing his new bride or as simple as snuggling with my little cousin kellie, watching my brother leap frog over our 6'3'' aunt or embarrassing the groom with a blast from the past.
point is, i loved everything about this weekend, and i'm sad that it had to end. stupid work..
i can't wait for the next time my family is together, rafting the wenatchee. awe yeah.
7 days, and couting!
July 24, 2011
america's favorite past time
favorite thing about summer?
this summer wasn't like last years.. not having the pirates has put a damper on it, but getting to watch my brother's team makes up for it. almost.
today i got to watch his last home game of the season, and lucky for me, i got to spend some good time with bailley lublin and carley griffith. they're normally at the games, and our presence was graced by kaitlyn stevens and allie knutson.
yeah, i'm that graduated senior that hangs out with incoming sophomores. it's whatever. let it be.
no for real though, it was a good time, whether it was fighting for shade or carley's tan lines, fishtailing kaitlyn's hair or allie's weird fart noise. be it carley eating all of bailley's jojos or taking the "long way" back to listen to a song or the boys going to state. whatever moment you choose, it all added up to a great afternoon and a great day at the field.
so, the gist of it is:
thank you girls, for making it a lovely, warm day. i enjoyed every second in the 90 degree heat. you girls are wonderful, and i'll miss this. i'll miss this a lot.
this summer wasn't like last years.. not having the pirates has put a damper on it, but getting to watch my brother's team makes up for it. almost.
today i got to watch his last home game of the season, and lucky for me, i got to spend some good time with bailley lublin and carley griffith. they're normally at the games, and our presence was graced by kaitlyn stevens and allie knutson.
yeah, i'm that graduated senior that hangs out with incoming sophomores. it's whatever. let it be.
no for real though, it was a good time, whether it was fighting for shade or carley's tan lines, fishtailing kaitlyn's hair or allie's weird fart noise. be it carley eating all of bailley's jojos or taking the "long way" back to listen to a song or the boys going to state. whatever moment you choose, it all added up to a great afternoon and a great day at the field.
so, the gist of it is:
thank you girls, for making it a lovely, warm day. i enjoyed every second in the 90 degree heat. you girls are wonderful, and i'll miss this. i'll miss this a lot.
July 22, 2011
"whatever happened to chivalry? does it only exist in 80's movies? i want john cusack holding a boombox outside my window. i wanna ride off on a lawnmower with patrick dempsey. i want jake from sixteen candles waiting outside the church for me. i want judd nelson thrusting his fist in the air because he knows he got me. just once i want my life to be like an 80's movie..."
July 17, 2011
Summer sunrise
Summer: The season of staying up late and sleeping in even later. The break from school and responsibility. The time to get some liquid courage in you so you can let your hair down.
Don't get me wrong, I love a good party as much as the next soon-to-be college student. But what I like about summer, what I LOVE about summer, is being outside in the early morning.
I hardly ever wake up in time to see the sunrise because, as summer progresses, it gets earlier and earlier. But on the off chance I do, it never fails to put me in the right attitude to take on the day.
My heart dances on the low cloud cover, my eyes brighten with the sky, my lungs breathe the melted yellows and reds. I live in the summer sunrise.
July 12, 2011
when push comes to shove
when the going gets rough, the tough stay tough, and the weak crumble under the pressure. i'm a brick wall.
when everything is falling apart at once, you just need to stop and smell the roses. there will always be roses, because there is always something beautiful in the wreckage.
July 10, 2011
being selfish.
as soon as you write something down, it is yours forever. and, if you wanted to, you could show someone else, so they can keep it too. but really, it is yours forever. if anyone ever wants to take it away from you, all you need to do is remember and remind them that, it is yours forever.
i feel like i have a trillion things to say, a trillion things to write down, but they're not mine. they're shared by everyone. because everyone feels them. so how can i write something down, say it is mine forever, when five billion other souls share my agony.
and it's not just agony is sadness. it's agony in happiness, and anger, and excitement.
agony of sadness when you feel your heart ache. agony in happiness when you're unsure if you'll ever feel this good again. agony in anger when you try so hard to understand who's right and who's wrong. agony in excitement when you fade from your adrenaline rush.
but i'll write it down anyways, and i'll call it mine. i'll share it with you, but remember, it's mine. this gut wrenching pain is mine. this soul elating joy is mine. don't try and take it from me. it's mine.
i feel the hurt of people are slowing drifting away, and i feel the joy of reconnecting with old friends.
i feel the hurt of knowing that it'll never be me, and i feel the joy of knowing that i'm better off.
i feel the hurt of wanting it so bad, and i feel the joy of never quiting.
i feel the hurt of having no summer due to work, and i feel the joy of the money it brings in.
i feel the hurt of no longer being in high school, and i feel the joy of the freedom in it.
and all those feelings are mine. and i don't care if you feel them too. they're mine.
i have a billion more things to say, a billion more things to write down, but i can't verballize them, and i don't want to. i don't want to share them with anyone. because no one can understand. because they're mine.
so. that's it.
i feel like i have a trillion things to say, a trillion things to write down, but they're not mine. they're shared by everyone. because everyone feels them. so how can i write something down, say it is mine forever, when five billion other souls share my agony.
and it's not just agony is sadness. it's agony in happiness, and anger, and excitement.
agony of sadness when you feel your heart ache. agony in happiness when you're unsure if you'll ever feel this good again. agony in anger when you try so hard to understand who's right and who's wrong. agony in excitement when you fade from your adrenaline rush.
but i'll write it down anyways, and i'll call it mine. i'll share it with you, but remember, it's mine. this gut wrenching pain is mine. this soul elating joy is mine. don't try and take it from me. it's mine.
i feel the hurt of people are slowing drifting away, and i feel the joy of reconnecting with old friends.
i feel the hurt of knowing that it'll never be me, and i feel the joy of knowing that i'm better off.
i feel the hurt of wanting it so bad, and i feel the joy of never quiting.
i feel the hurt of having no summer due to work, and i feel the joy of the money it brings in.
i feel the hurt of no longer being in high school, and i feel the joy of the freedom in it.
and all those feelings are mine. and i don't care if you feel them too. they're mine.
i have a billion more things to say, a billion more things to write down, but i can't verballize them, and i don't want to. i don't want to share them with anyone. because no one can understand. because they're mine.
so. that's it.
July 2, 2011
everyone is soo stoked about summer...
...except me...
i'm still trying to define what summer is. i'm still trying to find that perfect summer. i'm about to live through my 18th summer, and i have no idea how to make it as magical as everyone else's.
maybe someday i'll get that summer romance and that perfect tan. but for now, i'm just gonna breeze my way through it. and hope for the magic to hit me. hard. like a semi. that'd be nice.
...except me...
i'm still trying to define what summer is. i'm still trying to find that perfect summer. i'm about to live through my 18th summer, and i have no idea how to make it as magical as everyone else's.
maybe someday i'll get that summer romance and that perfect tan. but for now, i'm just gonna breeze my way through it. and hope for the magic to hit me. hard. like a semi. that'd be nice.
June 30, 2011
you can taste it. it's like blood between your teeth.
your mouth waters by just the thought of it. you have to lick your lips because they're dry and cracking.
your fingers drum along anything they touch because you just don't know what to do when they're empty.
your head pounds. it's like someone is repetitively exploding fire crackers in your skull.
nothing helps; only when you get it back will it go away.
you feel sluggish. gravity has tripled and it's pulling you down.
your lungs are empty. the air you slowly breathe in has to crawl it's way back out of your lungs.
you're irritable. you could bite the head off of the next person who says a word to you.
you don't mean it.
you can't help it.
you're desperate.
you didn't ask to feel this way. if you would have known this is what came with it, you never would have gotten yourself in so deep.
and now you have to slowly dig your way back out.
slowly but surely.
getting over this will be the hardest thing in the world for you to do.
but that's why they call it an addiction.
your mouth waters by just the thought of it. you have to lick your lips because they're dry and cracking.
your fingers drum along anything they touch because you just don't know what to do when they're empty.
your head pounds. it's like someone is repetitively exploding fire crackers in your skull.
nothing helps; only when you get it back will it go away.
you feel sluggish. gravity has tripled and it's pulling you down.
your lungs are empty. the air you slowly breathe in has to crawl it's way back out of your lungs.
you're irritable. you could bite the head off of the next person who says a word to you.
you don't mean it.
you can't help it.
you're desperate.
you didn't ask to feel this way. if you would have known this is what came with it, you never would have gotten yourself in so deep.
and now you have to slowly dig your way back out.
slowly but surely.
getting over this will be the hardest thing in the world for you to do.
but that's why they call it an addiction.
movie buff
i'm a movie buff, the type of person that could spend every evening curled up in a blanket watching a good movie. everyone has their favorites. so do i. these are my top ten, in no particular order. enjoy.
it's a story of finding strength when everything falls apart,
joy in nothing but loss.
i've heard a lot of people say they don't like this moving because it's "too depressing"
i, however, find it enlightening.
there's no "happily ever after". there's just "ever after".
and ever after is however you make it.
the movie stays true to it's dominant quote:
"everything you do in life will be insignificant, but it's important that you do it anyways."
i'm a child at heart.
every night i fall asleep watching a disney movie in order to prevent nightmares.
it's been like that forever, and it's just become a habit.
"hercules" has gotta be my favorite disney movie.
don't get me wrong, i love the classics like aladin, mulan, lion king, beauty and the beast.
but hercules stays to the story of finding the true you, standing alone as long as it's for something, and staying true to your family and friends.
i'm also a fan of greek mythology. what're you gonna do.
until they make a movie true to softball, women playing baseball is as good as we're gonna get.
this superb movie shows women as strong, competitive athletes.
gotta love it!
my name's tasha, and i'm a harry potter addict.
i have read the series four times through.
i've watched each movie more times than i can count.
harry potter and the deathly hollows part 1 was PERFECT.
i don't even know what to begin to think about part 2.
i grew up with the harry potter series.
i remember reading the first book in third grade. the series end comes out the summer before i leave for college.
i feel like harry is my brother.
my dad is named james after all.
baby mama is my feel good, need-a-laugh movie.
every time i watch this movie i find something new to laugh at.
i wish that tina fey and amy poehler were my mothers...
they are two of the most hilarious people on this planet, after will ferrell.
this movie can always put me in a good mood.
i wish my life was a musical. even for just one day.
i could die happy the day that everyone simultaneously breaks into song and dance.
mamma mia is my musical.
it's happy, upbeat, lighthearted.
it's everything i would want my life's musical to be.
and it features some of the best actors: amanda seyfried, meryl streep, pierce brosnan.
someone choreograph my life please.
pearl harbor is a great movie.
nonfiction this story is touching, inspiring, beautiful.
but then to remember that this really happened, pearl harbor really happened,
the story gains an unlimited amount of depth.
this movie never fails to bring me to tears.
at multiple times of the movie.
call me a cry baby,
i'll call you stupid.
the dark knight...
batman is my favorite super hero.
and he's a real hero, so i'll punch you if you say otherwise.
batman is cooler than every other hero because he's human.
he's a human that takes initiative in life and stands up for what he believes in and just gets crap done.
now i'm not saying, everyone should go trapezing through gotham, but everyone should have the character of bruce wayne.
also, i love the joker. he's crazy. he's cynical. he's terrible. he's perfect.
letters to juliet is my chick flick.
it's not my bawl-my-eyes-out-like-a-little-girl chick flick.
it's my make-my-heart-smile chick flick.
i love amanda seyfried; she's brilliant.
i love that this story is about second chances and taking opportunities.
it shows that true love never dies,
but it shows it in an inspiring way, rather than a broken heart way.
a story of never giving up on love. perfect.
okay, so i have two disneys on this list.
but this is for a different reason.
toy story 3 is great.
it's a childrens movie, but it's so directed at 18 year olds.
all the emotions are connected to that kid that is giving up their childhood roots to leave for college.
i feel for andy an inmense amount in this movie.
it's making the break. it's on to bigger and better things.
and it sucks.
but toy story 3 does not suck.
i feel for andy an inmense amount in this movie.
it's making the break. it's on to bigger and better things.
and it sucks.
but toy story 3 does not suck.
June 21, 2011
senior year
seniors 2011
-magi munoz, jordan loera, kayla bernsen, felicia sanders
phone book delivering
-jordan loera, matress guy
-mlhs varsity softball 2011
halloween in april
-gina delatorre, brianna hoffman, peewee, tressa radach, katie martinez, victoria dalrymple, alex jones
-katie martinez
-holly perry, peewee, katie martinez
fab/fave/feathered five
-katie martinez, tressa radach, peewee, hailee bishop
softball banquet 2011
-mlhs varsity softball 2011
ap calculus ab
-jordan loera, markie fancher, jordyn darling, dallas pryor, brandon bradley, branden moreno, garrick hutcheson, nat mengist, parker merkley, tyler knapp, nick dodds, nathan sanchez, dat lee, will idk?![]()
sports med
-shantel acevedo, mlhs varsity football 2010
football games
-jordan loera, amelie nordin, markie fancher, emily hudson, kayla bernsen, katie martinez
color wars
-class of 2011
80's day
-felicia sanders, amelie nordin, markie fancher, katie martinez, shantel acevedo
maroon & gold
-senior class girls
-katie martinez, kylie martinez, sophia lagrave
-katie martinez, kylie martinez, sophia lagrave, markie fancher
power nap
-mark fancher
best friend snuggling
-markie fancher
my girls
-kylie martinez, markie fancher, jordan loera, mackenzie fancher, katie martinez
-kayla bernsen, jasmyne garcia
-markie fancher
walking partners
-kayla bernsen
my sisters
-mackenzie fancher, markie fancher
-uncle tim, aunt anja, kimberly, josh, aaron
i miss you
-kimberly o'bright
i miss you
-aaron o'bright
i miss you
-josh o'bright, anja o'bright
i miss you
-tim o'bright
-ryan gentry, ashley o'bright, justin schrodt
remembering uncle carl
-tyson olson, ashley o'bright, ryan gentry, justin schrodt
-ashley o'bright, justin schrodt
-kyle ostboe
fort building
-ryan gentry, justin schrodt, grandma peggy, kyle ostboe, kelli ostboe
-katie martinez, hailee bishop, peewee
hotdog & pig
-peewee, tressa radach
my freshman
-hailee bishop
potential roommates
-markie fancher, mindy robins
favorite junior
-kristi brown
my exact opposite
-kaitlyn martinez
my pride & joy
-hunter mauseth
memory makers
-kayla bernsen
my laughter
-tressa radach, peewee, katie martinez
my sister, my stud, my inspiration
-mackenzie fancher![]()
-mlhs varsity basketball 2010-2011
miner's trips
-renee miner
seniors 2011
-magi munoz, jordan loera, kayla bernsen, felicia sanders
phone book delivering
-jordan loera, matress guy
-mlhs varsity softball 2011
halloween in april
-gina delatorre, brianna hoffman, peewee, tressa radach, katie martinez, victoria dalrymple, alex jones
bus rides
-peewee, tressa#15
-katie martinez
-holly perry, peewee, katie martinez
-katie martinez, tressa radach, peewee, hailee bishop
softball banquet 2011
-mlhs varsity softball 2011
ap calculus ab
-jordan loera, markie fancher, jordyn darling, dallas pryor, brandon bradley, branden moreno, garrick hutcheson, nat mengist, parker merkley, tyler knapp, nick dodds, nathan sanchez, dat lee, will idk?
sports med
-shantel acevedo, mlhs varsity football 2010
football games
-jordan loera, amelie nordin, markie fancher, emily hudson, kayla bernsen, katie martinez
color wars
-class of 2011
80's day
-felicia sanders, amelie nordin, markie fancher, katie martinez, shantel acevedo
maroon & gold
-senior class girls
-katie martinez, kylie martinez, sophia lagrave
-katie martinez, kylie martinez, sophia lagrave, markie fancher
power nap
-mark fancher
best friend snuggling
-markie fancher
my girls
-kylie martinez, markie fancher, jordan loera, mackenzie fancher, katie martinez
-kayla bernsen, jasmyne garcia
the real thing
-kayla bernsen, jasmyne garcia
favorite sophomore
-mackenzie fancher
leaps of joy-markie fancher
walking partners
-kayla bernsen
my sisters
-mackenzie fancher, markie fancher
we made it
-kayla bernsen, mindy robins, markie fancher, shantel acevedo
my germans-uncle tim, aunt anja, kimberly, josh, aaron
i miss you
-kimberly o'bright
i miss you
-aaron o'bright
i miss you
-josh o'bright, anja o'bright
i miss you
-tim o'bright
my best
-kimberly o'bright
like when we were young-ryan gentry, ashley o'bright, justin schrodt
remembering uncle carl
-tyson olson, ashley o'bright, ryan gentry, justin schrodt
-ashley o'bright, justin schrodt
black friday
-ryan gentry, jake williams
makeovers-kyle ostboe
fort building
-ryan gentry, justin schrodt, grandma peggy, kyle ostboe, kelli ostboe
my baby girl
-kelli ostboe
movie nights-katie martinez, hailee bishop, peewee
hotdog & pig
-peewee, tressa radach
my freshman
-hailee bishop
potential roommates
-markie fancher, mindy robins
favorite junior
-kristi brown
my exact opposite
-kaitlyn martinez
my pride & joy
-hunter mauseth
memory makers
-kayla bernsen
my laughter
-tressa radach, peewee, katie martinez
my sister, my stud, my inspiration
-mackenzie fancher
my dude, my roommate, my heart, my sister, my best friend
-marquel fancher
the makings of an amazing senior year!
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